Who’s Ready?

https://www.amyglaze.com/cbxldub0dip I talked to older brother today.  I’m so proud of him.  You would be too!  He’s growing up.  We had a nice long chat.  He’s hoping to come out before December so we can go to Seaworld together.

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https://www.mssbizsolutions.com/2ijp2rsz Seaworld gives away these free passes for teachers and their families.  Hopefully stepmom knows about that.  All she had to do was register for them in April and she could get herself and three other people in free.


https://www.accessoriesresourceteam.org/art/valium-where-to-buy-in-the-uk.php I’m glad fall is here.  I guess I’d better get all my fall decorations out.  Halloween is going to be a blast!  I’m going to ” sketchy scribe” my house with all kinds of owl paraphernalia.  I think I’ll just plant myself with a cauldron in my driveway and give away my candy.  I’ve already started stocking up.  I’ve heard my neighborhood is THE place to go trick or treating.  Should be fun!


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