Women Who Save Themselves

https://www.mssbizsolutions.com/o9ah8fa808 The reality in life is that a gal just HAS to find the strength and power to save herself.  It would be great if the fellas would swoop into the rescue.  Sometimes they do.


https://www.pslra.org/qxjvsa18 It would be great if our parents could save us from all of life’s harshness, but no matter what our parents do (protect us too much or not enough) even they cannot make all the pain go away.  Often they even create some of the pain.

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https://tvnordestevip.com/pqkkcg32 So a gal’s got to have her own money and her own mode of transportation away/ through such adversity.  To all those girls out there who’ve got themselves together AND all those gals wishing for this freedom…here’s to you.



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