Words for Purity

get link You are so many things, my beautiful younger sister, these are just a few.  Some of them you may not see, but I see you.  And the older you get, the more you’ll see them too!  Being in high school is so hard.  You gotta fit in which means you gotta be like everyone else.  But the kids who are “cool” seem to be able to get away with being different.  Why??? Answer: they ACT like they aren’t afraid of other’s reactions (or they truely don’t care).  They are comfortable in their skin because they’ve made up their mind to be.  It’s really just as simple as that. I dare you, sweet Purity, to see how you are every adjective on this list.  Just be careful with some of the words.  You can be sensual by just enjoying the breeze against your arm.


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