I was out shopping last night for holiday gifts when I got hungry and ducted into a nice restaurant to eat. A young lady came by and was selling roses so she could afford to continue her music lessons. I bought two pink roses: one for each of you. I wish I could give them to you, but – you know. So they are sitting on my kitchen table. Aren’t they lovely? They are as lovely as you both are. I know I’ve sent you this song before, but it’s such a great song, it’s worth repeating. Grandpa took me to see Bette Midler perform in Las Vegas once. She sang this song and we held hands as she sang. Enjoy listening to this cosmic VJ’s great love for you in this quintessently beautiful song, The Rose. 🙂 Keep holding my hand in your hearts, sweet sisters as I continue to hold yours. Please do not let go. Xxoo follow url