source link Purity, you’ve talked of wanting to go to New York. Well, I’m going there to see the Statue of Liberty. I’ll bring you back a small piece of the freedom she represents so that you can have it – always. On your eighteenth birthday (or thereabouts) you will be given this small token of independence in honor of the independence you will FINALLY possess. (Just a year plus a few months to go!) url Beatrice, you’ve dreamed of going to Paris, France. The French gave America the Statue of Liberty, you know?! Well, for you I’ll go up the Eiffel Tower. And I’ll bring you back something (12,000 miles round trip) as a small token of this”City of Light.” You will also receive this on your eighteenth birthday (or thereabouts). Tablets Online And If you think that you will not be in my thoughts as I’m boarding the planes, taking off, landing in faraway cities and exploring these amazing sites – you are very much mistaken. Look at this website. Every page tells you, over and over how much “you are in my heart. No matter what they say. You are in my heart now and always.” In New York, London, and in Paris too! XXOO (But disregard the bad spelling in the video.)
enter site source link And I’ll be posting pictures CONSTANTLY! You can check in whenever you can for an update. And if you cannot, it will all be here waiting whenever you can look at it. : )