You’re Not Alone

Can You Order Valium Online Owls are symbols of higher planes of spirit.  I really like this song by Owl City called “You’re Not Alone.” And it seems appropriate to share this song with you today.  Sunday is a Christian sacred day: the Sabbath.  I think it is so cool that different faiths have different days off: Muslims take off Fridays, Jews take off on Saturdays and Christians on Sundays.  Kinda keeps the world moving despite someone’s desire to worship and rest.  I do thing the Sabbath is important.  We all need to rest and reflect.  I’ll tell you a secret…I talk to God: like he’s a friend standing next to me.  I also talk to his angels.  Boy, are they ever cute!  In my mind’s eye, that is.  So you see, I’m never really alone.  I ask their help in all kinds of things – finding my glasses, advice to help a student, how can I teach this better.  God should not be a fair weather friend – someone you pray to when things are all good.  You also shouldn’t call upon him when life strikes you down.  God can be a CONSTANT friend.  Imagine if you could have a very best friend…someone who cheers you onward, someone who forgives your faults, someone who holds you when you need it.  God is that friend.  Believe, sweet sisters.  It truly is up to you how your life will go.  No one can control your mind.  YOU decide what you believe.  Then live it! This is just a small sample of what I believe.

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go to link This is a picture of my favorite actor, Alan Rickman, playing Metatron – Metatron is an archangel in Judaism.  He is not mentioned in the Bible.  He is in a book called the Talmud.

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Buy Valium In Australia I often imagine that I am resting my head on the comforting legs of an angel.  My angel is more male though (Angels are androgynous – having male/female parts). Try this: lay on your bed, but imagine that an angel is sitting next to you.  See his/her face, eyes, hair color etc… It’s kinda like having an imaginary friend like when you were younger.  I still remember Purity’s imaginary friend’s name.  It was Strawberry.  Remember her? When you get older, imaginary friends morph into angels because that’s what they always were.


Buy 1000 Diazepam 10Mg My guardian angel is named Duane.  He looks a lot like Harrison Ford.  (What can I say, I was inspired by the first Star Wars movie!)  But, he wears glasses and plays the guitar. Cute huh!?

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click Now, go to your room and give this a try.  I talk to mine EVERYWHERE!  I swear, he won’t leave me alone sometimes!  But. he means well.  Don’t talk to him/her outloud! People will think you are nuts!

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Cheap Tramadol Overnight Delivery OK, I am a little nuts, but I’m not saying I REALLY see him – just in my imagination. One more thing: Mystical Jews (like Jesus) believe that the world we live in is called the 1% world.  That is to say that everything that is happening in this realm of thought only constitutes 1% of ALL there is.  The imagination of every human soul lives in the 99% world.  That’s where we are all connected.  When I see you in dreams or write you into stories – we are accessing that 99% world.  You really ARE NOT ALONE – EVER!!!!!

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Buy Herbal Valium Note* Most Christians don’t know much about mystical Judaism.  I wouldn’t quote this around unless you read a very old book called The Zohar.  🙂 You’re Not Alone – brought to you by your favorite cosmic VJ: The Sketchy Scribe…

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